Spiritual Techniques of Prosperity

In Financial UA, we utilize many different prosperous strategies to help us achieve specific goals.  Some of these techniques help us get to get a JOB, or channel more POWER, or even to help us release a long held RESENTMENT.

These are our Spiritual Techniques of Prosperity.  Each technique is a strategy, a formula, an algorithm that can be used to manifest a goal or vision.  All of our techniques are spiritual in nature and are universally compatible with all other Twelve Step programs.  As they say, "Spiritual principles are NEVER in conflict."  

Each of these techniques has been tested REPEATEDLY, sometimes over decades of experimentation.  These techniques have been taught to hundreds of members in recovery across the spectrum of a dozen different Twelve Step Programs and the results have been outstanding!  All of these techniques are unique in their own way and have been developed within the healing and prosperous space of the Financial UA program.  

The Twelve Spiritual Techniques are:

  1. The POWER Statement

  2. The Golden Ratio

  3. Prepare for a Job

  4. Get a Job -- Technique #1

  5. Get a  Job -- Technique #2

  6. Get a Job -- Technique #3

  7. Fire Purification (Vasana Daha Tantra)

  8. Resentment Buster

  9. Homegroup in Your Heart

  10. Measure Twice - Cut Once

  11. Anonymous Gift

  12. Holding Space