The POWER Statement

In Financial UA, our goal is to connect with an Earning Power greater than our own.  We do this using a two part strategy.

First, we learn how to connect with  a Higher Power by working the 12 Steps.  Second, we learn how to channel that Higher Power in the form of Earning Power by using the FUA Tools.  

There are times during our recovery process where we need to quickly connect with and channel more POWER to help us accomplish an immediate task or to shock or excite ourselves into taking positive action.  When faced with this type of specific need we often utilize one of our Spiritual Techniques.   One example of this is the POWER Statement.  

The POWER statement is a way for us to tap into the benevolent universal energy source any time we wish.  We start by working cooperatively with another member in Recovery to create and hold a space for healing and recovery, and then we summon Higher Power to manifest itself in our group conscience.  This technique uses the principle of Tradition Two.  

Together with our "POWER-partner" we spell out the word P.O.W.E.R. and then say the word "POWER" in unison.  As we say it we mean it and we channel that POWER to appear.  As the energy and POWER begins to flow, we can then direct that POWER to any purpose we choose.