Get a Job
Spiritual Technique # 1
The core of Technique #1 is to practice asking for what you need. We encourage you to practice this in a recovery setting and then take it out into the work world. First, figure out what you need...a Sponsor, a Service Position, a PRG, an Action Partner, etc. These are basic positive actions that help you build your recovery foundation. Once you have gotten these very necessary forms of support and accountability you will be ready to use them as a launching pad to begin your spiritual job search.
Next, practice asking HP for what you need, in a meeting setting, over the next 30 days during your 3 minute share, asking for a Job--a paid service position. In Financial UA we define a Job as "providing a service for pay." After 30 days of sharing, you will gain spiritual momentum--filling up your spiritual gas tank and gaining the traction and courage to go out into the work world and show up for earning opportunities. As you ask for a job within the recovery meeting setting, you are putting Higher Power / Earning Power on notice so that it can start working behind the scenes to prepare a paid service position for you. Utilize these 30 days of sharing to prepare yourself, meanwhile HP / EP will be preparing the position and then the organic process of recovery will begin bringing the two of you together (you and the job). Remember that this technique works best when you first fill up your spiritual energy tank -- filling it with Earning Power and Higher Power in a safe, energized recovery setting.