"Vasana Daha Tantra"

The Vasana Daha Tantra or Fire Purification Technique has been around for thousands of years.  It is an ancient technique for surrendering, releasing or "turning over" fear, anxiety, secrets, shame, guilt, anger, rage or any other type of emotional resentment.  Vasana Daha Tantra literally means "deep pattern - fire burning - method."  This Spiritual Technique represents a way to fight the fire of a Burning Resentment with fire by burning the resentment.  

The A.A. Big Book suggests writing down one's resentments, analyzing them and then turning them over to:
                              "someone ordained by an established religion," or "a close-mouth, understanding friend," or "our doctor or psychologist,"
                              or "one of our own family," or "someone who will understand, yet be unaffected."  p.74, A.A. Big Book, Fourth Edition

Some resentments have too much energy behind them and cannot be released by simply writing about them or analyzing them.

Later in the A.A. Big Book, in the personal story "Freedom From Bondage" written by Wynn L. she learns of a method to be set free from Resentment:
                            "if you have a resentment you want to be free of, if you will pray for the person or the thing that you resent, you will be
                   it everyday for two weeks."  p. 544, A.A. Big Book, Fourth Edition

Some resentments run so deep that they are not easily prayed-away.  

For these types of heavy duty resentments we suggest using the following technique.  This works especially well AFTER you have shared your Fourth Step with your Sponsor (effectively doing your Fifth Step) or as part of your regular Tenth  Step--that of writing an inventory of resentments on a daily basis (because it's easier to defuse these resentments when they are caught quickly and treated promptly).  

  1. take one (1) square of toilet paper (or a post-it note) -- making sure the piece of paper is relatively small.

  2. using a pen, write out the resentment in graphic detail, using any words that best express your feelings.

  3. read aloud what you have written to both yourself and your Higher Power / Earning Power.

  4. contact your Sponsor or Action Partner, say the Prosperity Prayer with them.

  5. read aloud what you have written to your Sponsor or Action Partner while they hold space for you.

  6. after you have finished reading, say the Prosperity Prayer again to get closure.

  7. take the piece of paper and crush it into a small wad.  Throw it on the ground and step on it a few times.

  8. take the piece of paper and safely, hold it over a sink or toilet while using a match or lighter to light the paper on fire.

  9. drop the burning paper into the toilet or sink and flush it away.

  10. alternatively you may drop the paper into the toilet, relieve yourself and then flush the resentment away.