Prepare for a JOB

We prepare ourselves for a Spiritual Job by becoming a Trusted Servant in any 12 Step Program.  While in Financial UA, for example, we take on service in the meeting or within the fellowship.  Each service position is an opportunity to undergo a spiritual experience.  Once a member becomes a trusted servant he or she will understand, recognized and discover his / her own value and talents through the process of  taking ownership of the meeting--finding a piece they can own for themselves.  Through Service, you discover what you can offer and you cultivate the ability to connect spiritually with what's happening in the moment.  Having a Spiritual Experience allows you to see how getting a job is just an extension of being a Trusted Servant.  In the work world, we get paid to be a Trusted Servant.  The primary way we prepare ourselves to get and maintain a Spiritual Job is to practice being a Trusted Servant in a safe recovery setting-- building confidence & building momentum and then Higher Power /  Earning Power helps us to find a position where we can apply ourselves as a Trusted Servant in exchange for pay.