In addition to our 12 Tools of Recovery, Financial UA also recognizes the 12 Tools of Prosperity as well as various Spiritual Techniques.  These other tools have proven to be effective and prosperous for many of our members.  The foundation of all tools used by Financial UA is the fact that each tool has been tested repeatedly under real world conditions. Each tool represents a "best practice", meaning it's the best tool among other tools that have been tried over the course of many years of experimentation.  The same holds true for our Spiritual Techniques.

Our Tools are spiritual in nature. Through experience, we have found that spiritual tools have the most power when they are used within a group, meeting or team setting.  Recovery is a team sport, not an exercise in isolation.  Much of our spirituality comes from working in cooperation with other people, developing our recovery within relationships and partnerships with other program members. 

We also recognize the freedom each member has to use these tools and techniques as he or she sees fit.  May they help you achieve the prosperous earning and recovery you desire.  

The 12 Tools of Prosperity are: