a.k.a. "Flowchart"

click HERE to watch a video on TREASURE MAP

Just as a real treasure map leads a person over the land, across the seas, and through the challenges to the hidden treasure...a Treasure Map leads the Financial UA member through the realm of unlimited possibilities to the Treasure at the end of the journey. This tool is used within a Pressure Relief Meeting, Action Meeting or Prosperity Team meeting; or even with a group of supportive friends in recovery.

Materials needed: 1 large sheet of poster paper or drawing paper for EACH participant; magic markers or pens for EACH participant; and a large table around which the participants can sit.  

Once all the materials are gathered and the participants are comfortably seated around the table, each member takes one sheet of paper and a pen (or colorful marker). Each participant will then write their name in a circle on the left hand side of their sheet of paper

Next, "Bob" will write his goal or vision in a circle on the right hand side of the sheet of paper.

Next, "Bob" will write all the ideas he has starting from his bubble moving from left to right. These ideas are his first steps toward eventually reaching his goal.

Next, "Bob" will pass his Treasure Map to the person on his left (clockwise). Meanwhile, each person around the table has been preparing their own Treasure Map. When the Maps rotate clockwise "Bob" will receive a Treasure Map from the person on his right. Meanwhile, each person having received some else’s Treasure Map will continue to fill in new steps toward reaching the goal. As this process continues, each person helps to brainstorm positive actions and steps to help every other person to reach their own goal or vision. After a few minutes the Maps are passed clockwise again. This process repeats so that each map makes the full circuit of all participants around the table. It's possible for the Map to become a composite of 3, 4, 5 or more participant's ideas, suggestions and inspirations.  

The more the Treasure Map circulates among the participants, the more ideas are written down as possible steps toward the goal or Treasure.  

Participants often report that their Treasure Map was extremely accurate in showing the successful path to reach their goal or vision. The Treasure Map may show several possible paths to reach the same goal. We have found that our Earning Power/Higher Power often leads us to our goal in the most efficient, shortest and direct path possible.