Download Trajectory Worksheet Example Here.

     In Financial UA we use the Trajectory tool, as a way to develop a 1 year, 3 year and 5 year plan. The Trajectory helps us focus our goals and actions in order to manifest our Prosperous Vision or Primary Purpose. We have learned that each Vision can be reached by achieving a series of goals. Each Goal can be reached by taking a series of actions.  Actions lead to achieving Goals. Achieving Goals leads to the fulfillment of a Vision. As we take Actions, achieve our Goals, and manifest our Vision, we reach and fulfill our Primary Purpose in life. Sometimes we are have clarity around the path from Action to Vision. Other times we are vague about the path, process, actions, or goals. Many people, both in recovery as well as "normal" folks, are vague, confused or oblivious to their higher calling (either in Career or in Relationship to others), their personal Vision or their Primary Purpose in life.

     The Trajectory, when used while working the FUA 12 Steps, helps us to organically reach our optimal level of financial prosperity and spiritual development. We are able to plot out an ark that allows us to connect God, Money and Spirituality. Our Trajectory helps us to see and measure our progress as we move forward reaching the outcomes we most desire. The Trajectory gives us the perspective to know exactly when to say "NO" to anything that would lead us away from our Goals/Vision/Primary Purpose. Knowing when to say "NO" gives us the capacity to say "YES" to those things which move us decisively forward in our Trajectory.  

    Financial UA offers the membership a free-to-download Worksheet to use with developing your personal Trajectory. We encourage you to approach this Worksheet with the support of your Qualified FUA Sponsor, PRG Team, Prosperity Team, Action Partner and a Trained Professional of your choosing. The stronger and more cohesive your support team, the more power you may draw from them to propel you upwards and onwards in your Recovery process. As always, do try to invite your Higher Power/Earning Power to join you and to be part of the process.