How to Start a New FUA Workshop​

Workshops  are classroom-like sessions where Financial UA members can learn how to work the FUA program.  Specifically, Workshops are held to walk attendees through the 12 Steps of FUA, 12 Traditions of FUA, the Tools & Techniques of FUA and the "Golden Ratio" process.  FUA Workshops are facilitated by a Qualified Sponsor.  The Qualified Sponsor guides the Workshop in the way he or she sees fit, and that will allow him or her to best guide and teach those who are in attendance.  The Workshop Sponsor is always chosen based on his or her firsthand level of experience with the material being taught.  Sponsors only teach up to the level of their experience.   It is the responsibility of all those in attendance to help create and hold the space for healing and recovery.  Workshops often utilize the Socratic method of teaching, allowing attendees to be both students and teachers, challenging attendees to ask and answer questions and share their experience with finding solutions to problems.  Workshops utilize FUA approved literature, specifically, FUA Workbooks such as the 12 Step Workbook, the 12 Traditions Workbook #1 and #2 and the "Golden Ratio" Workbook.  All Workshops must be registered with the FUA General Service Office in order to be officially recognized as an FUA Workshop.  Significant care and planning goes into starting and facilitating a Workshop and the same amount of vigilance is given to selecting the Qualified Sponsor who will lead the Workshop.  For this reason, the General Service Office is currently responsible for starting all new Workshops.

Instructions for Starting a New FUA Workshop

  1. Either the FUA Service Office or a FUA Qualified Sponsor and any supportive committees, all working in partnership, will develop a group format.

  2. The Service Office and Qualified Sponsor will work together to develop the format into an event or Workshop that has a strong foundation in FUA Recovery.

  3. The Service Office will notify the FUA membership of the new event or Workshop through the FUA website, the FUA newsletter and also the FUA Social Media platforms.  

  4. The Service Office will coordinate registering any members to attend the event, or if it is a recurring Workshop, the Service Office will register the Workshop with the FUA website and send out any necessary announcements, emails, phone numbers or ZOOM links so that our members may attend.   

  5. The Service Office will support the Qualified Sponsor with facilitating the Workshop.  Currently only Qualified Sponsors are qualified to lead Workshops or other FUA Events.

  6. The goal and Primary Purpose of the Service Office is always to create and hold space for healing and recovery -- supporting FUA Meetings & Workshops; helping FUA members to Recover from financial underearning; and to train and prepare FUA members to become Qualified FUA Sponsors.