How to Start a New FUA Meeting

Meetings  are gatherings of Financial UA members who share their experience, strength and hope.  These gatherings are overseen by a Moderator or by a panel of Trusted Servants.  It is the responsibility of all those in attendance to help create and hold the space for healing and recovery.  The Meeting uses the democratic method to govern itself, set its own format and conduct its own business.  The Meeting channels the presence of a Higher Power or Earning Power as it may manifest itself through the Group Conscience.  The purpose of an FUA Meeting is twofold.  The first purpose is to support members of Financial UA as they move from financial underearning toward prosperity.  The second purpose is to carry the message of recovery to the newcomer or the financial underearner who still suffers.  FUA Meetings utilize the approved FUA literature and operate in a way that is guided by the 12 Traditions of Financial UA.   Qualified Sponsors within Financial UA can start a new Meeting or Sponsor and support the formation of a new Meeting.  It is important that new Meetings be started from a space of Recovery.  Qualified Sponsors have experience with creating and holding space for Recovery.  We recognize that many of our members in FUA have not yet achieved Recovery in the program.  We encourage them to keep coming back and to consider becoming a Qualified Sponsor.  Any FUA member may hold service in a Meeting as a Trusted Servant.  It is suggested that Newcomers in FUA complete the "Getting Started" suggestions before taking on a position of trusted service.  Any two or more people may gather together and call themselves an FUA meeting; however, to become an officially recognized FUA meeting, one of those members must be an FUA Qualified Sponsor.  All FUA Meetings must be registered with the FUA General Service Office in order to be officially recognized as a FUA Meeting and to then have access to the FUA program resources.

Instructions for Starting New FUA Meetings:

  1. Gather 2 or more FUA members together.

  2. Develop a Meeting format.

  3. Bring a Qualified FUA Sponsor into the planning process.

  4. The Qualified FUA Sponsor takes on the Service role of attending and actively Sponsoring the new Meeting and "Carrying the Message" for a period of one year to help it build a sustainable foundation in Recovery.

  5. The Qualified FUA Sponsor brings their Recovery to the Meeting and helps the Meeting channel Higher Power in the form of Earning Power.

  6. The Qualified FUA Sponsor works with the FUA Service Office to get the Meeting officially registered with the FUA Service Office.  

  7. The long term goal and Primary Purpose of the Qualified Sponsor is to create and hold space for healing and recovery from financial underearning and to help train and prepare other FUA members to become Qualified Sponsors.