1. A Job--getting and maintaining a job as a source of steady income is critical to our long-term prosperity.  A Job is a tool for earning.  Through having a Job we develop our spiritual work ethic, give service to the world, and we channel our Earning Power, creating both active and passive streams of income.  By holding a Job, we become Trusted Servants in exchange for pay.  Many Financial Underearners have, run or manage Businesses and these Businesses may underearn financially.  The FUA program focuses specifically on helping Financial Underearners get and keep a JOB in a Spiritual, Prosperous and Sustainable way.  

  2. Earning Plan--developing and following an earning plan is essential to increasing our earning.  Our earning plan is organized into income generating categories.   We invite, celebrate and record all income flowing into our lives. Download Earning Plan Worksheet Example Here.

  3. Four Quarters--is a simple tool for tracking and managing our categories for Income, Spending, Debt Repayment and Savings.  The Four Quarters worksheet lets us compare our income to our expenses, thus measuring our cash flow.  It also lets us compare our debts to our savings / wealth, thus measuring our net worth.  If our cash flow is negative we are underearning, if our cash flow is positive we are prospering.  Looking at the numbers allows us to determine whether or not we are recovering from financial underearning. Download Four Quarters Worksheet Here.

  4. Trajectory--is made of a 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year strategic action plan for developing our income; increasing our earning power; and helping us to manifest our goals, larger vision or purpose in life. Download Trajectory Worksheet Example Here.

  5. Pressure Relief Groups & Meetings, Action Meetings, Prosperity Teams--we organize and participate in small groups or teams with other recovering members in order to support each other and increase our earning power while giving and receiving service.  We realize that recovery is a team sport. We use these teams and small groups to help us get a job (if needed), develop our Earning Plan, utilize the Four Quarters and to plan out our Trajectories.  

  6. Action Partners & Sponsorship--we reach out to other recovering members to ask for accountability, support and guidance with working the 12 Steps and using the Tools of Financial UA.  We ask someone who has what we want to be our Sponsor.  This person guides us through the recovery process.

  7. Recovery Literature--we read and study 12 Step literature to learn and apply the best practices to our own financial recovery.

  8. Telephone & Internet--we use all forms of communication to expand and support our financial recovery; to connect with other Financial UA members by way of outreach; and to interview more experienced members-- asking them for their experience, strength and hope.

  9. Meetings--we attend meetings of Financial UA and other 12 Step programs to connect with other recovering members.  We share our experience, strength and hope--learning and applying the best practices--within the recovery community.

  10. The 12 Steps--we work the 12 steps of Financial UA to help us connect with an Earning Power greater than ourselves, which can restore us to Prosperity, and to channel this healing spiritual energy into all areas of our lives.

  11. Service--we give and receive Service within the fellowship of Financial UA by participating in Pressure Relief Groups, Action Meetings, Prosperity Teams, Sponsorship and by helping to organize and run Meetings.  We give Service to the world by holding a Job and developing a spiritual work ethic.

  12. Anonymity--we practice anonymity by putting principles before personalities; maintaining levels of privacy and confidentiality among the members; and knowing that it is a loving and greater Earning Power that is the source of our abundance and recovery.